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President: Mark Ehr – KØEHR, has been involved in radio and communications for 40+ years, but he didn't get his amateur radio tech license until 2019, upgrading to general/extra in 2020. He has been making up for lost time, becoming heavily involved in Summits on the Air (SOTA), local clubs, and operating on HF, VHF, and UHF using SSB, FM, CW, and digital (FT8/JS8/FT4) using portable QRP and base rigs. He is also an electronics geek, constantly creating new gadgets using microcontrollers like Raspberry Pi and Arduino. k0ehr (at)

Vice President: Jim Moravec – NØCOT

Secretary/Treasurer: Mark Hasseman - KEØP

Committees and Staff

Website: Jed Baer - KDØYMG, first licensed in December, 2013, currently holds a General class ticket. He mostly hangs out on 2 meters, but is working on Morse code. He enjoys building things for ham radio, particularly if it involves parts from the plumbing aisle. kd0ymg (at)

TechNet Director: Robb Sutter - KCØZGK, is active in many aspects of ham radio. Robb loves technical aspects and hands-on projects of ham radio. Robb works hard to make the TechNet a valuable resource for all hams. goofballxx (at)

Program Coordinator: Anthony Montoya - KØMCW, had always been interested in radio but only became licensed within the last few years. Now he is fascinated by all things radio and is actively expanding from UHF/VHF to HF bands. In addition to radio club participation, he is active in ARES (Colorado R1D6) and a member of the Edge of Space Sciences group. k0mcw (at)

Remote Station Manager: Mark Edwards – WØQL

Marketing/PR: Vacant

Techfest Committee:

Coffee and Doughnuts: Larry Fagan – KØMHO

officers.txt · Last modified: 2024/01/23 20:39 by admin